A Usurper has been voted in to the highest office in our land. According to the United States Constitution, you must be a NATURAL-BORN citizen to be eligible to become the President of the United States (POTUS). The individual that now holds the position of POTUS is NOT a natural born citizen and therefore, he is a USURPER. We have EXPOSED this USURPER and now, we must EXPOSE him to the WORLD so that WE THE PEOPLE can take action and RIGHT this terrible WRONG!
************************************************************ I keep seeing an ad at the top of my blog from SodaHead.com that says, "Do You Regret Voting For Obama?" Well, that is probably a question that I imagine a lot of people have to do some honest soul-searching to find an answer for. As for me, the answer is simple: I don't regret voting for Obama/Soetoro because I can proudly say that I never voted for Obama/Soetoro!
Unlike the many "sheeple" that had stardust in their eyes, or those that could only see "color," (or should I say, "black and white") I could plainly see what was going to happen down the road shortly after he became president.
I knew that almost immediately people would start seeing him for what he truly is: a chameleon; a shape-shifter; a liar. No, I'm not a fortune-teller. I'm just a person that chose to keep my eyes and ears wide open, and I saw what his track record was; I saw who he chose to keep company with; I heard him back-peddle several times, while the media helped him with his "cover story," almost as if he were their lover in some kind of trouble.
He has proudly paraded tax evaders, one right after the other, in front of us as his choices for his best, most brilliant, and trustworthy picks for his "Cabinet," only to say that, "Gee, I goofed again. They were honest mistakes, I am sure of that." I wonder if any of you remember what happened to "Joe, the Plumber" when he actually did make an honest mistake on his taxes. Obama/Soetoro, his team, and his media pets crucified him; they treated him as if he were Public Enemy Number One, and they were not going to let anyone forget his "offense" anytime soon. And for what? For simply proving to the American people, once and for all, that Obama/Soetoro is a Socialist! His plan for our country is to take money away from those of us that work hard to make it, and hand it over to those that don't or won't. It's called welfare--or redistribution of wealth! What is wrong with that guy?
I think the video above probably fills in a lot of the blanks that you may have had. Dr. Alan Keyes hit the nail right on the head when he said:
"...we are claiming that a bankrupt government can save a bankrupt banking system. Explain to me how that happened, because I think that's impossible. And the fact that we have just elected an individual who may or may not be qualified, and he presents silly ideas like this, and says, "Let's move forward now," and we're all acting like The Laws of Economics have been repealed, and we can actually be able to foot the bill with money nobody's got. This is insane. It's got to lead to the collapse of our economy and it's going to."
So, there you have it. As clear as it can be. The truth. You'll have to decide whether you still want to leave those blinders on or not. It's up to you.
Until next time...stay safe, stay well, and may God bless you all.
The flag waving upside down represents a time when our nation in distress. For the first time in our history, the American people have allowed a Muslim, socialist, pro-abortion, anti-American candidate that is not even a natural-born citizen to BUY and LIE his way in to the presidency of the United States of America. I truly fear for the safety of our people, the sanctity of our values, the sovereignty of our nation, and for our freedom and our rights under the U. S. Constitution. May God have mercy on us and May God Bless America.
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